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Generates a form

This API endpoint offers the client the ability to run the wizard in an automated non-UI fashion. Answer values can be supplied by answer files, data files, or label key/values. Some projects don't require additional values to be supplied and can be fully data-driven. In this case, the project can be run by just calling the API with a POST action without a body. Project generations are considered to be long-running regardless of the project itself. It is assumed the generation will take an unpredictable length of time and progress can be polled via the operations API.

Generate (with options)

All the generation variations take an optional 'options' object. Available properties are:
'version'_, used with projects published with the 'Match project version when loading in progress forms'. This project version will be the one generated.

'generationDateTime'_, used with projects published with the 'Match project version when loading in progress forms'. The project version modified before or on this date will be the one generated. If both 'version' and 'generationDateTime' properties are supplied, 'version' will be used.

'log'_, generations are logged by default but to reduce server and DB load this value can be set to false.

Generate (with data)

To provide data files to the project supply them in an array of data objects.

'dataServiceGuid', optional. When this value is not supplied Infiniti will look for the first data source in the project that matches the schema and uses that as the GUID. This can be expensive so it is recommended to supply the value if it is known.

'value', JSON encoded string containing the contents of the data file.

Generate (with Answer File)

To generate the form with a pre-prepared answer file use the 'answerFile' property.

Generate (with labels : key/values)

For a lighter weight project independent way of supplying values use the 'labels' dictionary. Each property represents an answer file label name and its value. These values are turned into an answer file and applied to the form.

Delayed Generate

To schedule a generation for a later time supply details for the 'schedule' property.

'name', a description of this generation that will appear in Manage

'startDateTime', a date to begin this generation after.

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